ENGLISH         Instructions to Authors

Instructions to Authors


All manuscripts must be submitted by the members of The Korean society for Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education.


It can be submitted all part study related Fisheries and Marine and Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education manuscripts.


Submitted manuscripts should not have been published, accepted, or be under contemporaneous consideration for publication elsewhere in print form or via any form of electronic media and should be creative and original.


Manuscripts should be written by Hangle word-processor(over 2007), in Human Myongzo type of letter, 95point of letter size and Human Gothic of numerical order like Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ.1.2.3


Manuscripts are only accepted online through the e-submission system of the journal of the Korean society for Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education.


The first page of manuscripts should be written in following order; the title of Korean(15p), the name of author(11p), affiliate(10), the title of English(13.5), the English name and affiliate of author(10p), Abstract(11p) and key words(9p). Corresponding author's Phone number and E-mail should be marked at the bottom line of the first page of the manuscript


In the case of Foreign manuscript, the manuscript should be written summary of Korean.


The amount of manuscript should be 15page in maximum. When the page is over, The author has to pay an additional chargee.


Words of manuscript should be written in Korean or English. When the mean of the korean word is confusing, It should be written English or Chinese word inside of ( )


It should be written in the cover of manuscript that the name of the author(Korean, English), address, author’s place of employ-ment, phone number and E-mail address.


The form of manuscript must keep followings

  1. a)
    Numerical order has to follow likeⅠ,Ⅱ(13p)···,1,2(12p)···,가,나(10p)···,(1)···,
  2. b)
    Tables and figures have to be included in the contents of manuscript, add numerical order in the <>, 〔 〕and mark the name of the table at the left of the top low, mark the name of the picture at the middle of the bottom.
  3. c)
    References should be listed the author's name, a publishing year, the name of manuscript, a publishing company, the number of pages etc in order. ex) Kim Yu Sin․Lee Sun Sin(2203), Fisheries and Marine highschool student in Kyongbuk area…, Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education 15(1),23~28. Simpson, R.H(2002). Improving Teaching Process, Longmans․․․, 289~290.
  4. d)
    References quoted in the text should follow examples ex) Smith (1995), Smith and Morse (1995), Smith et al.,(2001), and (Smith, 1996; Smith and Morse, 2000; Smith et al., 2001).
  5. e)
    References should be listed the last page of the manuscript without numerical order.


12. The number of publishing times of the Journal are 6 and 3 reviewers judge them.


On the basis of reviewers’ comments and author’s responses and revisions, the editorial board of The Journal of the Korean society for Fisheries and Marine Science Education makes the final decision whether to publish a submitted manuscript.


The listing order of manuscripts is determined by the editorial board in accepted order. authorship


15. 20 books of printed manuscript are given basically, Authors can ask more books, if they want.